Achozen на «We The People Festival»

Шаво Одаджян со своим проектом Achozen выступит на «We The People Festival», который состоится в Лос-Анжелесе на Los Angeles Historic Park 27 сентября.

Подробности — на официальном сайте мероприятия.

24.09.2008 | Комментарии к записи Achozen на «We The People Festival» отключены Рубрики: Новости

Scars On Broadway на «Jimmy Kimmel Live»

Scars On Broadway выступят на ABC-TV в программе «Jimmy Kimmel Live» 14 октября.

Пока по радио будут идти две их песни, группа отыграет бесплатный мини-концер, состоящий из пяти песен, на открытой сцене Kimmel, находящейся в центре Голливуда.


24.09.2008 | 1 комментарий » Рубрики: Новости

John Dolmayan — Scarred for life

Henry Northmore
18 September 2008

Henry Northmore talks to former System of a Down drummer John Dolmayan about his love of the graphic novel and his burgeoning online comics project

There are plenty of famous faces who love comics: Jonathan Ross, Edward Norton, Sam Raimi, Jon Bon Jovi, Simon Pegg, Jerry Seinfeld, Quentin Tarantino and Nicolas Cage. Even Anthrax wrote ‘I am the Law’ about Judge Dredd. But not many are as passionate as Scars on Broadway and System of a Down drummer John Dolmayan. ‘I’ve been in the comic industry for over 20 years,’ he explains. ‘That’s how I made my living before System got signed. I got fired from every other job so I was like, “fuck it, I’ll put up my own company”. I took a tremendous pay cut to join System in the beginning. But you know what, playing music is worth making no money.’

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24.09.2008 | Комментарии к записи John Dolmayan — Scarred for life отключены Рубрики: Articles

Academy calls for Scars On Broadway

Sarah Walters
19/ 9/2008

RISE from the ashes of a band that sent its fans rabid with excitement and you’ve got a serious job on your hands trying to equal your previous output.

Welcome to the dilemma of Scars On Broadway — the post-System Of A Down project of Daron Malakian and John Dolmayan. And let CityLife introduce you to their solution: their universally lauded eponymous debut LP.

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24.09.2008 | Комментарии к записи Academy calls for Scars On Broadway отключены Рубрики: Articles

Рецензия Rolling Stone на альбом «Steal This Album!»


published by Rolling Stone

System of a Down are an absurdist blast of political rage, silly theater and shattered math metal. Few bands are better equipped to release an odds-and-sods record such as Steal This Album!, because SOAD songs already seem like bits and pieces of different songs welded and held together through sheer force of will. The fact that they shred isn`t as important as the oddly vulnerable noises they make when they (momentarily) cease said shredding. The delicate, spindly passage of guitar and chimes in «Highway Song» is one of these moments, and «Roulette,» a scared, wounded love letter, complete with violins and acoustic-guitar plinking, is another. When these moments come, like occasional glints of light in a black bombed-out building, System of a Down seem to be proposing that rage only matters if it`s underpinned with compassion. And that’s pretty cool.


© Rolling Stone (RS 911 — December 12, 2002)

24.09.2008 | Комментарии к записи Рецензия Rolling Stone на альбом «Steal This Album!» отключены Рубрики: Reviews